Dodge Renaissance Academy is a Cohort II pilot school in the Teacher Advancement Program! TAP schools, such as the Dodge Renaissance Academy, provide specified tapplanning times throughout the week for all teachers to meet, collaborate, and learn new techniques and strategies which improve teacher effectiveness and student achievement. The Teacher Advancement Program seeks to restructure and revitalize the teaching profession by creating an environment in which teachers and students alike can thrive. It does so by offering educators opportunities for career advancement, ongoing school-based professional development, instructionally focused accountability and performance pay which is tied to responsibilities, classroom performance and student achievement growth. The TAP program has grown dramatically since its launch in 1999, and is now implemented in 220 schools across the United States.

Mrs. Charletta Brown and Mrs. Erin O’Brien are the TAP Lead teachers here at Dodge. With the assistance of mentor teachers: Mrs. Emily Fetters, Ms. Karla Kemp, Mrs. Elizabeth Williams-Clark and Mrs. Amy Versaw, this team leads the collaborative TAP “cluster group” meetings each week. They model effective, clearly defined, research-based teaching strategies that are then taught school-wide. Mrs. Brown and Mrs. O’Brien coach teachers on an individual basis, model lessons in classrooms, and provide teachers with support utilizing the TAP instructional rubric throughout each week. TAP lead teachers, mentor teachers and co-principals Mrs. Debra Moriarty and Mr. Edward Morris meet weekly to determine how school plans and cluster goals are being met.

Working Together…………Reaching the Next Level……………Achieving Excellence!!!